
One of Ariel's luggers in Munro's sale letter of 1916: 'Rebuilt twice by me: in good order'

101005 | 1890 | Berry's Bay, Sydney | Thomas Cubitt | 38 | 17.33 | yawl

Luggers nq; Mori Flapan

Hi Mori

 The Clark-owned yawl we were speculating about was BORONIA, O/N
 101005, yawl rigged with a round stern, 38 feet long and 17.3 tons,
 built in 1890 by Thomas Cubitt at Berry's Bay, first registered in
 Sydney (#27 in 1891), a yacht first owned by a couple of gentlemen
 and sold in 1893 to James Clark, pearlsheller of Brisbane. She went
 to the Aru Islands in 1905 with the rest of Clark's fleet so it's
 reasonable to speculate that she was located at TI for at least some
 time prior to that.

 The yawl in the picture under discussion is clearly at Thursday
 Island (surrounded by luggers) and is too big to be CLYANTHUS, which
 sounds like a daysailer/racer more suitable for Clark's home waters
 of Moreton Bay.

Luggers nq messages